Talent in capitalist country vs talented person in Soviet Union 1948
Study excellent!
Love books - the source of knowledge! 1952
Long live peace!
I will become a metalworker!
Let our motherland to have a long life and prosper! 1949
Healthy parents - healthy posterity
Thanks to beloved Stalin for the happy (blessed) childhood
Our children should not get sick with diarrhea
Glory to a mother - a heroine! 1944
A.S. Pushkin 100 years since the death 1837-1937
The whole world will be ours! 1935
An illiterate child is a shame of a mother 1930
Pioneer! Learn how to fight for the Ideas of the working class!
Young Leninists are the children of Ilyich. 1924
Do not beat up a child
Mothers do not dump babies!
Protest of babies 1923
Be happy, darling! 1955
Know how to rest 1973
One-night stand 1986
Our term (requirement) - down with foul language! 1981
Feeling ashamed! 1958
Smoking tobacco is expensive for (your) health and household. 1930
Evil (sin) - (go away) over the doorstep! 1959
Tobacco - poison, quit smoking! 1957
They say we are pigs... 1958
Remember, when you drunk your family is starving 1930
Dad, do not drink 1929
Stop! (from being a prostitute) 1929
Stop Last Warning 1929
Red Army...
How did YOU help the front line? 1941
Our flag is a flag of the victory! 1945
You will live a happy life! 1944
Hi motherland! 1945
We will walk to Berlin! 1944
To the West! 1943
Soldier, answer to Motherland with a Victory! 1942
Ural to the Front 1942
For the Motherland! 1943
Warrior of the Red Army! 1942
For the motherland! 1942
Red Army soldier SAVE! 1942
Death to German invaders! 1942
Shoot to kill! 1942
To Moscow HOH! From Moscow Ohhhh! 1941-1942
The people and the army are invincible! 1941