Cartridges by Isadzhanov Moscow
Have mercy on the future child. 1985
Instead of scolding and hitting the kids, it's better to buy them a book. 1928
CCCP is our Motherland 1982
Always together! 1958
Do not get distracted 1986
Ajarian song and dance state ensemble named after Meliton Kukhianidze 1967
By the (rail)road of peace and friendship! Moscow - Beijing 1954
We will not forget! We will not forgive! 1942
The Peoples of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics 1925
To our construction site, friends! 1956
March 8th. Glory to women! 1965
Baikal–Amur Mainline. BAM - the job is real! 1978
Nations of the World are waiting 1962
To the stars! To the sun! 1960
Get ready for the Party Congress! 1965
Down with the beating and punishment of children in the family! 1926
Remember! 1983
Workers of the world, unite! 1920
Books are the source of knowledge 1919
Pravda 1940
Collaboration helps people to become brothers 1919
The Beauty and the millions. 1917
Collaboration does not recognize border poles. 1919.
Spring Chores. Comedy movie poster. 1964
We will build a new world 1920
Squish mercilessly!!!
Cholera 1920
Long live socialism. 1918
Forward to protect Ural 1919
All the Illiteral people should go to school 1921
Everybody to the book bazaar 1929
Everybody to the fight with the illiteracy!
Tass window, Leningrad, January 1943
Return a book 1926
A fight for the harvest 1930
Warrior, get revenge! 1943
Newspaper Dawn 1914
Ad poster of tooth powder 'Hygiene'. 1936.
Our first task. Stalin 1942
Russian warship, go f...k yourself - postal stamp poster. 2022.
Combat pencil N73. 1943.
Conquer the high harvest of Victory! 1945
Loan of Liberty 1917
For a bookshelf 1929
For a book, against vodka 1928
How to fight cholera 1920