Our children will get that, what we will be able to save and conserve.
Be worthy!
The sun of the new harvest
To the new labor victories
To the 10th Five year plan - shock labor! 1976
Every day - udarny (superproductive).
The welfare of the people - is the main goal of the Party! 1981
To you, Motherland, our inspired labor!
The victory of October - is the main event of the 20th century.
Cosmos will serve people. Gagarin. 1971
Through the worlds and centuries 1985
Human thought for world progress
Apollo-Soyuz project 1975
Quality is the warranty of progress! 1980s
In the unity of the production and science - the power and the future of the country!
Create. Invent. Attempt!
The atom to work for peace, for Communism.
Gagarin. Orbiting Earth... 1975
Strengthen the union of the sickle and hammer! 1976
Give the Mainline of the century! 1975
Five year plan - earlier than scheduled!
I am a son of the Soviet country! 1980
Become an Udarnik of Communist labor
The Red Book protects the nature. 1988
Sun, Air and Water are our best friends
Moscow 1980. Olympic games.
Welcome! Moscow olympiad 1980
People plant bread on the ground - the earth raises people!
Communists are the standard bearers of peace
Studying communism, building communism!
The teaching of Marx is all-powerful because it is true! 1979
International Children's protection day
Do not lose!
(We) Will pave the way to the future!
Sport is an ambassador of peace.
Bread - to the Motherland! 1978
We - (are) the young working class!
By shock labor (we will) welcome the 26th Congress of the KPSS
Disarmament is the ideal of socialism. Ulyanov Lenin
The party is the mind, honor and conscience of our epoch! 1976
Soviet power is a million times more democratic than the most democratic bourgeois republic.
Lenin - a thinker
Peace is our ideal
To the bright future of communist society, universal prosperity and enduring peace.
Our task is to protect firmness, steadfastness, purity of our party. V.I. Lenin
V.I. Lenin 1870 - 1970
Lenin, October, Peace. 1917 - 1987.