The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
Always together! 1958
By the (rail)road of peace and friendship! Moscow - Beijing 1954
To our construction site, friends! 1956
European Championship 1952
(If you) want to be like this - exercise. 1951
Athletes! 1955
Higher the class of the Soviet soccer! 1954
To the new wins in labor and sport! 1955
Do not be like him! 1953
Go in for rowing and sailing sports! 1956
There are no better clothes on earth than...1955
Buy ice cream made by GlavHladoProm. Покупайте мороженое ГлавХладоПрома. 1951
Since (you) have forgotten, where the borders are,... Коль забыли, где границы, мы поможем... приземлиться! 1954
Caviar of sturgeon fish family. Икра осетровых рыб. Зернистая и паюсная. Вкусный и питательный продукт. 1952
No! (net!) Нет! 1954
Kick out healers! They do not cure, but despoil and cripple! Вон знахарей! Они не лечат, лишь обирают и калечат! 1959
Fight hooliganism! Боритесь с хулиганством! 1956
(we will) Eradicate this evil! Искореним это зло! 1959
Hooligan - to justice! Хулигана к ответу! 1958
He learned one skill. Он постиг одну науку, как вернее взятку брать. Надо дать ему не "в руку" - "по рукам" покрепче дать. 1956
Breed rabbits! 1957
(we) Will get a rich harvest from a virgin land! 1954
Expand pig farming! 1955
Milkmaids get high milk yields from every forage cow!
Get ready for the countrywide agricultural exhibition. 1950.
"The Cranes Are Flying" movie (film) poster, directed by M. Kalatozov 1957
"The idiot" movie (film) poster, directed by I. Pyryev 1958
"Rumyantsev Case" movie (film) poster, directed by I. Kheifits
"Kuban Cossacks" movie poster, directed by I. Pyryev
Tours in Moscow 1957
Unusual Concert
Circus. Tamer of lions Irina Bugrimova...
Transport More Oil
Glory to the Soviet railway workers! 1951
Electric power to Kolkhoz, Sovhoz and MTS
In the name of communism 1951
Do not (you) dare
Wear (it) with honor!
Singing and Music 5, drawing 5. 1959.
This is not my job! 1956
I (will do it) by myself!
Glory to our beloved motherland
Love books - the source of knowledge! 1952
Long live peace!
Let our motherland to have a long life and prosper! 1949
Be happy, darling! 1955