Do not get distracted 1986
Ajarian song and dance state ensemble named after Meliton Kukhianidze 1967
By the (rail)road of peace and friendship! Moscow - Beijing 1954
We will not forget! We will not forgive! 1942
The Peoples of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics 1925
To our construction site, friends! 1956
March 8th. Glory to women! 1965
Baikal–Amur Mainline. BAM - the job is real! 1978
Nations of the World are waiting 1962
To the stars! To the sun! 1960
Get ready for the Party Congress! 1965
Down with the beating and punishment of children in the family! 1926
Remember! 1983
Workers of the world, unite! 1920
Books are the source of knowledge 1919
Pravda 1940
Collaboration helps people to become brothers 1919
The Beauty and the millions. 1917
Collaboration does not recognize border poles. 1919.
Spring Chores. Comedy movie poster. 1964
We will build a new world 1920
Squish mercilessly!!!
Cholera 1920
Long live socialism. 1918
Forward to protect Ural 1919
All the Illiteral people should go to school 1921
Everybody to the book bazaar 1929
Everybody to the fight with the illiteracy!
Tass window, Leningrad, January 1943
Return a book 1926
A fight for the harvest 1930
Warrior, get revenge! 1943
Newspaper Dawn 1914
Ad poster of tooth powder 'Hygiene'. 1936.
Our first task. Stalin 1942
Russian warship, go f...k yourself - postal stamp poster. 2022.
Combat pencil N73. 1943.
Conquer the high harvest of Victory! 1945
Loan of Liberty 1917
For a bookshelf 1929
For a book, against vodka 1928
How to fight cholera 1920
Calendar of the Patriotic War. 1915.
1st nationwide book lottery 1929
Book is not a pocket 1926
Book is not a kitchen utensil. 1926
Donate for a book to a soldier 1916
Book will everywhere come useful. 1928.
Book is the life of our time
Join the Citizens-in-Arms! 1941
Under the flag of Lenin - to the utter victory! 1944
Chinese Propaganda Poster Chairman Mao Zedong Red Sun 1980s
Healthy worker - is the best support of the dictatorship of the proletariat 1928
Be ready for labor and defense! 1934
All-union spartakiada of students 1935
Soviet athletes - are the pride of our country. 1935
Goebbels is lying like a gray gelding 1941
All world records must be ours! 1935
Long live Soviet Physical Culturists! 1947
Relay race for the prize of Vechernyaya Moskva newspaper 1947
European Championship 1952
(If you) want to be like this - exercise. 1951
Athletes! 1955
Higher the class of the Soviet soccer! 1954
To the new wins in labor and sport! 1955
Do not be like him! 1953
Female workers and peasants 1925
Kodak (camera) as a gift for Christmas. 1900th.
Did you take care of the breast? 1930
Our triumph in cosmos is a hymn to the Soviet Country 1963
Go in for rowing and sailing sports! 1956
There are no better clothes on earth than...1955
White Guardsmen 1930
A girl dumps a guy for Lenin's speeches 1925
Society of consumers 1927
Comrade Lenin is cleaning scum off the Earth. Тов. Ленин ОЧИЩАЕТ землю от нечисти. 1920
A word is followed by an action! За словом - дело!
Learn how to work. 1986 Учись делу. 1986
800th anniversary of Moscow. 1947
Drunk behind the wheel - is a criminal Пьяный за рулем - преступник. 1986
Aids can be prevented by ... СПИД можно предупредить, избегая случайных связей. 1988
Drunkenness - is a cause of defects. Пьянство - причина брака. 1986
Buy ice cream made by GlavHladoProm. Покупайте мороженое ГлавХладоПрома. 1951
Fight alcoholism! Пьянству - Бой! 1987
Active leisure. Кратковременный перерыв - Активному отдыху! 1987
When parents drink vodka. Когда пьют родители 1986
Voluntary madness. Добровольное безумие. 1986
Do not let vodka take over your life. Не позволяй водке взять верх над твоей жизнью. 1986
Weight is normal - (good) for the health. Вес в норме - для здоровья. 1988
For Leisure without wine. За досуг без вина! 1987
Trap. Западня. 1988
True fun - without wine! Настоящее веселье - без вина! 1987
Since (you) have forgotten, where the borders are,... Коль забыли, где границы, мы поможем... приземлиться! 1954
Declination 40%. Отклонение во вред себе и обществу. 1986
Claim full pouring of beer up to the line 0.5 L. Требуйте полного налива пива до черты 0,5л 1940
Herring - is a good appetizer - stimulates appetite. Сельдь хорошая закуска - улучшает аппетит. 1965
The idea is clear. Ясен план. Скорей за дело! Строить Родина велела. 1946
Yuri Gagarin. Мы дружим и созидаем. И в космосе мир утверждаем! 1982
(we) Salute with valiant labor! Салютуем доблестным трудом! 1948
Let's lift it!.. А ну-ка взяли!.. 1944
For the life on the Earth! Ради жизни на земле!
Do not lose work minutes! Не теряй рабочих минут! 1968
Manage smart! Хозяйствуй умело! 1966
Man's power - to help woman! Мужскую силу - на помощь женщине! 1970
Here is what laziness and sweet sleep gave to the idler during the (high) season. Вот что лень и сладкий сон дали лодырю в сезон. 1967
Let's kick out kulaks from kolhoz. Вышибем кулаков из колхозов. 1930
The conquests of October (revolution) (we) will not give up! Завоеваний октября не отдадим! 1941
Hit to death! Бей насмерть! 1942
Mercilessly (will) defeat and (will) destroy the enemy! Беспощадно разгромим и уничтожим врага! 1941
Arithmetic of counter promfinplan. 2+2=5. Арифметика промфинплана плюс энтузиазм рабочих. 1931
Soviet flag, people's flag. Знамя советское, знамя народное, пусть от победы к победе ведет! 1945
For the honor of the wife. Честь жены. 1942
To the victorious soldier - nationwide love! Воину-победителю - всенародная любовь. 1944
This will happen to the fascist beast! Так будет с фашистским зверем! 1944
Glory To Warrior - the Victor! Слава - воину-победителю! 1945
(Let's) Save Soviet children from the Germans! Спасем советских ребят от немцев! 1943
Glory to the victorious motherland! 1945
Worked thankfully! Поработал на славу! 1944
Will defend Moscow! Отстоим Москву! 1941
Red Army's broom, will sweep scum out completely! Красной Армии метла, нечисть выметет дотла! 1943
West - the way to victory! Запад - дорога к победе! 1942
Caviar of sturgeon fish family. Икра осетровых рыб. Зернистая и паюсная. Вкусный и питательный продукт. 1952
We are for peace! Мы за мир! 1947
Soldiers of peace, be vigilant! Солдаты мира, будьте бдительны! 1960
No! (net!) Нет! 1954
(let's) Hit! Долбанем!
From the union of working people, we will expel drinkers! Из рабочей гущи, выгоним пьющих. 1929
Down with drunkards! Долой пьяниц, заявим громко! 1929
Get rid of scamps of the distaff side! Долой безобразников по женской линии! Парней-жеребцов зажмем в дисциплине! 1930
Shame on those, who get their salary at black cash-desks! Позор получающим зарплату в черной кассе! 1929
Merciless fighting with the thieves of communal property! Беспощадная борьба с расхитителями общественной собственности! 1932
Kick out healers! They do not cure, but despoil and cripple! Вон знахарей! Они не лечат, лишь обирают и калечат! 1959
Cinema - to masses! Кино - в массы! 1946
Do not drink away life! Не пропивай жизнь! 1977
Rainbow flag pencil is splitting a bomb Радужный флаг-карандаш раскалывает бомбу.
Fight hooliganism! Боритесь с хулиганством! 1956
(we will) Eradicate this evil! Искореним это зло! 1959
Hooligan - to justice! Хулигана к ответу! 1958
He learned one skill. Он постиг одну науку, как вернее взятку брать. Надо дать ему не "в руку" - "по рукам" покрепче дать. 1956
Get the spongers out from warm places! Вон дармоедов с тепленьких мест. Кто не работает, тот не ест! 1961
From the workers team we will kick drunks out. Из рабочей гущи выгоним пьющих! 1966
Leash must be strong! Привязь должна быть прочной! 1974
(we) Hit false udarniks (workers) 1931
CCCP. Sport - is health, will and courage! 1957
Lack of labor rights vs Right to work 1948
Two kids better than one! 1968
Peace to the children of the whole planet.
Printed matter - is a weapon of Proletariat 1968
Drinking water from dear Dnepr! 1943
1 Ruble. Here is our profit! 1965
Value every minute at work! 1964
Culturally selling - is a respectable job! 1949
(we) Will serve culturally each (and every) visitor! 1948
At labor time (some people) plowing at night! 1947
(we) Will build back to fame! 1945
Breed rabbits! 1957
(we) Will do the job!
(we) Will get a rich harvest from a virgin land! 1954
(lets) Develop (the) blue virgin lands! 1964
Expand pig farming! 1955
Milkmaids get high milk yields from every forage cow!
Get ready for the countrywide agricultural exhibition. 1950.
(if we) Seed at the right time - will get a mountain of grain! 1948
Women in kolhoz (collective farms) - is a big power 1933
(we) Will accomplish high yield in 1944!
Will complete fully and on time the schedule of the grain (bread) reserves. 1930.
Watchfully protect socialist harvest. 1936
Women in collective farms kolhoz 1935
Komsomol members to the udarnik sowing
Collective farmers and individual farmers 1933
Farmhands and Komsomol members - onto a tractor! 1931
"Nostalgy" movie (film) poster, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
A Few Days from the Life of I. I. Oblomov. 1979.
"Forgotten Melody for a Flute" movie (film) poster, directed by Eldar Ryazanov
Poster for the movie "To Kill a Dragon" directed by Mark Zakharov 1988
"Beware of the Car" movie (film) poster, directed by Eldar Ryazanov 1966
Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession. Movie (film) poster, directed by Leonid Gaidai. 1973
"The Dawns Here Are Quiet" movie (film) poster. 1980
"Subject" movie (film) poster, directed by G. Panfilov
Nine Days in One Year 1962
'White Sun of the Desert' movie (film) poster. 1970.
"Come Here, Mukhtar!" movie (film) poster, directed by S. Tumanov
"Andrei Rublev" movie (film) poster, directed by A. Tarkovsky
'We'll Live Till Monday' movie (film) poster, directed by S. Rostovskiy 1968
"Welcome, or No Trespassing" movie (film) poster, directed by E. Klimov
'Ballad of a Soldier' movie (film) poster, directed by G. Chukhray 1961
Hamlet - movie (film) poster, directed by G. Kozintsev 1964
"The Cranes Are Flying" movie (film) poster, directed by M. Kalatozov 1957
Movie (film) Poster "Girls". 1962
"The idiot" movie (film) poster, directed by I. Pyryev 1958
"Rumyantsev Case" movie (film) poster, directed by I. Kheifits
"Crumpet" movie (film) poster, directed by M. Romm 1935
"Jolly Fellows" with Lubov Orlova movie (film) poster, directed by Aleksandrov
"Kuban Cossacks" movie poster, directed by I. Pyryev
"Alexander Nevsky" movie poster, directed by S. Eisenstein. 1938.
"A Sixth Part of the World" Movie poster, directed by Dziga Vetrov
"Ivan the Terrible" movie poster, directed by S. Eisenstein
"Chapaev" movie poster, directed by Vasilyev brothers
"Mother" Movie poster.directed by V. Pudovkin
Movie poster 'October' directed by S. Eisenstein
Volga-Baltic Waterway named after V.I. Lenina 1965
The Golden Age or The Age of Gold 1982
Theatrical Poster: Talents and admirers. A. Ostrovsky
Tours in Moscow 1957
Unusual Concert
Circus. Clown Yengibarov
Salute. Jas-State Orchestra
Circus. Tamer of lions Irina Bugrimova...
Moscow Theatre Festival (French language) 1934
Attraction flying torpedo. State Circus. 1936
Gostsir. Durovskaya Railway...
All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition...
Transport More Oil
Oilmen, more oil to the Motherland!
Glory to the Soviet railway workers! 1951
Electric power to Kolkhoz, Sovhoz and MTS
Transport is a sibling of the Red Army 1941
In the name of communism 1951
Over 38 million tons of oil with gas in 1941...
Woman (get) onto a (steam) locomotive! 1939
We (vote) for renovation of the Soviet transport
By the Socialist attitude to a locomotive 1931
Napping at work. 1930.
The development of transport 1929
Knowledge to everyone! 1972
Everything for the front! Everything for the victory! 1942
Long Live our Happy Socialist Motherland 1935
USSR - the country's largest...1938
Comrade believe ...
The trade unions of the USSR...
Keep Higher the Banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! 1936
There metro!
All Moscow is Building Metro (subway) 1934
Komsomol Fulfill Demands of Comrade Voroshilov
Working men and women of all countries, higher the Lenin's banner! 1932
For the Proletarian Park of Culture and Leisure. 1932
Under a Flag of Lenin 1931
Labor union to strive for 10 mln. tonn of cast iron in 1932.
Moscow says...
Let's give 1929
All on muster
All-Union Festival of Physical culture
Exhibition of works of Vladimir Mayakovsky 1931
Hit! at the enemy of a cultural revolution. 1930
A ticket to the zoo cost 2 x 20 kopeek
Advertisement inside trolley cars 1927
Second all-Soviet Union Lottery OSOAVIAKHIM
Stocko shoe shine polish
lottery Avtodor. The ticket price is 50 kopeek
Pencils Mospoligraf 1928
Movie poster: A pipe of a communard. 1929
Trip (Journey) to Mars. Fantastic Kinoroman 1918
Movie poster Bronenosets Potemkin. 1925
Concert Tour Poster of Kamerny Theatre of Moscow (French language)
Poster for the movie 'The Eleventh' directed by Dziga Vertov 1928
Movie 'Turksib' directed by V. Turin
I read Crocodile (magazine)
A subscription is now available
A role of a leading fighter 1927
Lenin and electrification. 1925
A. Faiko Teacher Bubus Comedy 1925
Kino glaz Dziga Vertov 1924
Red Army Soldier
Lengiz Books for all sectors of knowledge. 1925.
Cheap bread for workers 1923
The most businesslike (person) 1923
Read Young Guard magazine
Best Pacifier 1923
Great masquerade
May There Always Be Sunshine. 1961.
We need peace
Not a drop! 1961
Do not (you) dare
Do not lie ever! 1965
Helping our mother
Wear (it) with honor!
Singing and Music 5, drawing 5. 1959.
This is not my job! 1956
I (will do it) by myself!
Glory to our beloved motherland
Talent in capitalist country vs talented person in Soviet Union 1948
Study excellent!
Love books - the source of knowledge! 1952
Long live peace!
I will become a metalworker!
Let our motherland to have a long life and prosper! 1949
Healthy parents - healthy posterity
Thanks to beloved Stalin for the happy (blessed) childhood
Our children should not get sick with diarrhea
Glory to a mother - a heroine! 1944
A.S. Pushkin 100 years since the death 1837-1937
The whole world will be ours! 1935
An illiterate child is a shame of a mother 1930
Pioneer! Learn how to fight for the Ideas of the working class!
Young Leninists are the children of Ilyich. 1924
Do not beat up a child
Mothers do not dump babies!
Protest of babies 1923
Be happy, darling! 1955
Know how to rest 1973
One-night stand 1986
Our term (requirement) - down with foul language! 1981
Feeling ashamed! 1958
Smoking tobacco is expensive for (your) health and household. 1930
Evil (sin) - (go away) over the doorstep! 1959
Tobacco - poison, quit smoking! 1957
They say we are pigs... 1958
Remember, when you drunk your family is starving 1930
Dad, do not drink 1929
Stop! (from being a prostitute) 1929
Stop Last Warning 1929
Red Army...
How did YOU help the front line? 1941
Our flag is a flag of the victory! 1945
You will live a happy life! 1944
Hi motherland! 1945
We will walk to Berlin! 1944
To the West! 1943
Soldier, answer to Motherland with a Victory! 1942
Ural to the Front 1942
For the Motherland! 1943
Warrior of the Red Army! 1942
For the motherland! 1942
Red Army soldier SAVE! 1942
Death to German invaders! 1942
Shoot to kill! 1942
To Moscow HOH! From Moscow Ohhhh! 1941-1942
The people and the army are invincible! 1941
Every hit of a hammer hits the enemy! 1941
How it was - how it will be! 1941
All on (are) G 1941
Partisans, kill the enemy without mercy! 1941
Sun, air and water, multiply strength for labor! 1962
USSR is a Mighty Sports Nation! 1962
Spartakiada of the Nations of the USSR 1975
Spartakiada Nations USSR! 1955
World Allround Speed Skating Championships for Women 1950
Youth - to (the) stadiums! 1947
Youth, on skis! 1945
Everyone to skis! 1942
Be a hero 1941
Our forces are countless! 1941
Homeland - Mother is Calling! 1941
Regards To Dear Stalin! 1938
Spartakiada Moscow August 1928
Processed cheese for any taste. 1966
Stolichnaya vodka 1965
Soviet Champagne. 1952.
Kvass - soft drink adverti?ement. 1959
Citrus Juice - Natural Drink 1951
Headgear Hats Fashion Advertisement 1953
Black caviar 1952
Chocolate sets of Red October confectionery factory 1950
Foods Sold at Potreb-cooperation stores 1954
Toothpaste Sanit 1938
Pelmeni Advertisement 1936
Smoke captains cigars 1939
Smoke Papirosy Derbi cigarettes advertisement 1936
Canned foods SOCRA 1932
Rezinotrest tire manufacturing company ad. 1929
Iris-Prima. Mosselprom. 1930
Fruit-drink Mors. Mosselprom. Moscow. 1930
I drink beer and soft drinks advertisement 1928
Mosselprom. Tobacco products. 1927
Cigarettes Pushki (Guns) 1926
Best in Far East cigarettes 1925
Mosselprom Advertisement Poster 1926
Challenge the honor of (your) Factory Trademark 1950
(we) Will Replace! 1941
(female) Worker, strive (fight) for the clean kitchen 1931
Care to People - Work with us! 1970
Young engineer - To the Manufacturing Department! 1956
And life is good, and to live is good! 1961
Closer to life, to an alive deedl! 1954
Deserve a praise! 1954
In a good shape are my beauties - cows. 1955
To the fields, to the construction sites! 1963
Night does not interrupt the work! 1956
We've completed a (daily) plan...How about you? 1954
The whole family to the new lands 1957
Your best results - happy customers! 1955
My student is a Hero of Socialist Labor 1948
To Build to Last, To Deliver Ahead of Schedule! 1955
Value the honor of the family! 1949
My happiness depends on your success! 1947
Experienced workers do not deride the young (workers) 1930
Give qualiTY! 1931
(here is) Your lamp, comrade engineer! 1933
Absence from work vs Hero of Labor 1920
Build fast, low-cost, good! 1950
How (good he) worked, as (good he) earned. 1964.
Soviet soldier! Be on the alert! 1954
Militsia officer! Look-out! 1953
Gossip (blabber) - is a godsend for the enemy! 1954
Do not blab at the phone! Blabber is a find of a spy. 1951
Strictly keep the state and military secrets! 1952
In the letter home, watch out, accidently do not blab out a military secret! 1954
Do not blab! Strictly keep the military and state secrets! 1958
To blab - is to help the enemy! 1954
The enemy is treacherous - be on the alert! 1945
Vigilance - is our weapon! 1953
Be watchful! 1953
Be sharp-sighted on duty! 1953
A tale about body and a song about soul (spirit). 1917
To help victims of war
Green spider (drama movie)
Loan of freedom! 1917
Motor oils, auto lubes, gasoline
Cognac (brandy) joint-stock company of S.S.Tamazov of Kizlyar 1900s
First all Russian sheep breeding exhibition & convention
Help forlorn kids, buy red egg. March 28th.
Beer, soft drinks 1910th
Removable stoves Meteor
Niva (field) 1912
Exhibition of the art of press
Monthly (magazine) Apollo
International exhibition of the newest inventions 1909
Newspaper: Morning of Russia
Exhibition of the works of 36 artists
Best in the world rubber overshoes.
Sewing machines (made by) Singer company
Affiche of Anna Pavlova in Paris
A.M.Zhukov soap
Ottoman tobacco factory
Cigarettes Bar
Imperatis partnership Ralle & Co.
Cartridges of Isadzhanova
Insurance agency Russia
Partnership of a tobacco company A.N.Bogdanov &Co
Partnership Beer-Honey brewing plant (factory) Ivan Durdin
New Bavaria
Cocoa of Einem partnership. Moscow.
Fairy Tales
My first step is to get Ainem (brand) cookies
Chocolate D.Kromskiy Kharkov
Russian athletes (strongmen) Medvedev brothers 1899
Great charity bazaar of mappets.
Cartridges of A.Viktorson
Russian association for the development and sales of gunpowder
International exhibition of affiches
M.I. Glinka opera advertisement: Life for the Tsar
Tea of Sergey Aleksandrovich Sporov
Recommended Tobacco & Cigarettes
Shabolovsky beekbrewing plant
Grandfather Smoke Narzan
First Russian factory of knitting and embroidering paper.
Announcement about coronation of (tsar) Aleksandr III
Kalinkin beer-honey brewing partnership
(we) Will not let (it) happen again! 1990
1929. Collectivization. 1989.
Thus let's come bravely ahead...
No forgiveness to the aggressors! 1966
the Constitution of the USA 1981
Knowledge - to everyone! 1972
(let's) Save Historic-Cultural Monuments! 1967
No one is forgotten. And nothing is forgotten. 1967
Happy March 8th. 1963
Put an end to aggression in Vietnam! 1965
No (need for a) war! 1962
Cuban and Russian unbreakable friendship and cooperation. 1963
Women's International Congress. Moscow 1963
Glory to the first cosmonaut U.A.Gagarin! 1961
I will never forget a friend 1964
Human to human 1962
Get to work, comrades! 1962
Happy New Year, the year of Peace and Friendship! 1956
Heroic acts are waiting for the brave! 1964
To the new lands come with us! 1954
They only have plenty for the rich 1957
Freedom of the Arab nation can not be strangled. 1958
To stop the aggressor! 1958
Phrases and... (military) bases 1952
To the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students 1953
Let the unbreakable friendship 1951
Korean nation can't be beared down! 1953
Peace - to the world! 1951-1952
We honor old people!
Under capitalism...Under socialism! 1948
The dreams of the nation have come true!
Deputy - is a servant of the People. 1947
Who gets the National profit? 1950
We will beat the drought! 1949
We demand peace! 1950
(we) Will come (get) to plenty! 1949
Vote for the prosperity of every town, every village of our beloved Motherland! 1947
Everyone to the elections! 1947
Great Stalin - Svetoch of communism! 1949
Such women did not exist, and could not in older times. I. V. Stalin 1950
I am an old man 1947
For the happy juvenility 1946
I vote for the candidates of the KPSS 1947
For the people's happiness!
Do not fool around! 1948
The Soviet country is singing and dancing 1946
Fascism - is the enemy of culture. 1939
(We will) eradicate spies and saboteurs 1937
One day his is fighting, three days he is looting. 2022
If a war is tomorrow... 1938
Greetings to great Stalin 1937
Long live equal woman of the USSR. 1938
Greetings to a Congress of Soviet writers! 1934
To Chelyuskin and to the heroic pilots 1934
Human resources solve everything. Stalin. 1935
Kukryniksy. 15. 1932
Living has become better, living has become happier! 1936
Long live Lenin's Komsomol 1932
March 8th - day of uprising of working women against kitchen slavery 1932
Rotfront 1932
Black crows are setting up a bandit raid on the U.S.S.R. 1930
China is on the way to become free from imperialism. 1932
Long live the World's October 1933
Mechanize Donbass 1930
No to kolkhoz! We - in favor of collective farms!
(tobacco) Pipe of Stalin 1930
Stop kitchen slavery! 1931
Get workers into the native council 1930
A member of sect - sectarian - is a kulak's Petrushka 1930
Long live May 1st. 1928
If you will not read books 1925
Proletarian army 1926
In case of full cooperation...
V. Ulianov (Lenin) 1870-1924
A ghost wanders around Europe, a ghost of communism.
Long Live the international day of working women March 8th. 1926
Every cook must learn...1925
Knowledge will break the chains of slavery. 1920
What October Revolution gave to a worker and peasant. 1920
The criminal is the one who 1920
Woman! Learn how to read and write! 1923
To get more - (we) have to make more... 1920
Beware of mensheviks and SRs
On the grave of the counter-revolution. 1920
Red gift to a white pan
Ukrainians and Russians have the same slogan..
Who is against Soviet
Women come to (get into) cooperatives.
March of aviators - Aviasong 1952
Glory to the Soviet nation 1954
Ram - is a weapon of heroes!
To fly above all, further than all, faster than all. 1954
Glory to the heroes of World War II! 1941
Proud of son! 1941
Who is strong in the air...1938
On the land and above...
Long live Soviet pilots! 1939
There are no such fortresses 1937
Honor to the falcons of Stalin 1937
Every kolhoz, each factory 1936
Komsomolets, young worker, pioneer! 1934
Youth, - to airplanes. 1934
Build Air Fleet of the USSR 1923
We will become pilots too! 1951
Myth and reality 1984
Peace symbol flower is growing out of a broken bomb
Nuclear and Hydrogen bombs wrapped into an American flag
We will use for peace all our strength, not to have mushrooms like this raised.
We (are) - peaceful people
Peace - is the first conquest of the october!
Peace, Harmony, Equity, Progress. Planet Earth.
Peace Mir
Nuclear energy - to serve peace and progress!
Mir Peace Paix
I (vote) for peace!
The word Peace is signed by people. 1980
To build, not to destroy!
Our politics - is the politics of the peace!
Leninas su mumis - Lenin is with us
Militarism Agressioon Konfrontatsioon (Estonian)
US and NATO: making money out of deadly weapons.
Neutron threat Nato
NATO bombs, cross, barbed wire.
NATO Airplanes
N.A.T.O. tree
My brother is a hero
A pencil splits a bomb
This way it is better!
Cold war - USA with bombs inside targeting cardinal directions
A war is a suicide
A dove of peace is squeezing a bomb like a fist.
We have to fight for peace!
Export USA
Five-Year plan in four years - (we) will complete! 1948
Comrades Lumberjacks! 1948
Evolution of tools
For Europe without Nuclear weapons
Peace and security to Europe!
Localized nuclear war in EUROPE...
To stop the arms race
Palms holding the earth
Cilveki, esiet modri! (Julius Fucik)
There is no other home!
We have only one earth
Sphere of the vital interests of the USA
Peace will win over war!
I am a dove
Don't admit! (Nuclear bobm)
Dollar shaped chain link
No neutron bomb
Dialogue, not the confrontation
The criminal is known!
Peaceful Cosmos
Free Luis Corvalan!
We want to build, not to destroy!
Cosmos must be peaceful!
Clear sky to the world!
Clean sky to the world!
One more turn...
Freedom to the people of Chile!
Peace to the children of the Earth!
Peace to the children of all the planet.
A child is inside a soldier helmet - kaska.
Peace between USA and Soviet Union
No need for bombs!
To prohibit the militarization of outer space!
Net! No! Nein! Non!
Peace will be victorious! 1980s
Kovo 8 Tarptautine moters diena
Disarmament - is a dictate of the time! 1979
Nuclear bomb
Net No Nein
The cause of peace, is in the hands of young (people)!
My blue planet, I love and hug you. 1989
Pershing II 1983
Arms race - is a race of death!
A bomb takes over a bird house.
To refuse (to do) the first nuclear strike
Paix, Mir, Frieden
The Voice of the Planet: No - to nuclear madness!
The united will of the nations - Peace! 1985
The nuclear conflict is irreversible!
People, be vigilant!
This is Apartheid
Null decision
Airplane over US flag
No! 1985
20 000 000, 1941-1945
(We) Defended the peace, world we will protect!
1914 1941 19X
Into the 21st century without nuclear weapons!
Victory Long Kesh
"There are more important things than peace" Secretary of State Haig
The main target of our Foreign policy - is peace!
For the peace in cosmic space and on the earth!
Peace to the World!
Labor will become the lord of the world!
(We) Defended the world, world we will protect!
Net No Nein Non
Mir! Peace!
Many chances has this barrel, to blow up the juggler to pieces.
I aim for Peace and Disarmament 1979
Soviet threat!!!
No to neutron bomb!
Disarmament - is a dictate of the time!
No to fascism!
Clean up the planet earth flower
Women of the planet for peace and friendship!
Protect the world (peace)!
To Asia - peace and safety!
It is better today to be proactive, than to be radioactive tomorrow.
We are in solidarity with you, Vietnam! 1979
No to (nuclear) arms race!
The country of the Soviets - is the standard bearer of peace!
For the peace! Constitution of the CCCP
What are the plans, candidate?
Course of peace and of creation!
Value the Bread!
Time, advance!
To the poachers, the nature is defenseless
To the memory of Pablo Neruda
Party is the beginning of all our deeds!
Happy holidays, girls! 1966
Save the nature!
Be Frugal!
The plans of the party - my plans!
Marxism-Leninism 1976
Brave labor of the fishermen is respected by the country. Have a nice catch, have a nice journey!
Every child is our child! Do not let children smoke! 1981
Where a liqueur (shot) glass is leading to...
The decisions of the XXVllth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union will be Implemented!
Constitution of the Soviet Union
Save work minute!
Back together with you, dear land, served - and got back home, to the native fields!
For the Health?..
1980 Summer Olympics 1976
Games of the XXII Olympiad Moscow 1980
1st of June. International day of the protection of the children.
Following Lenin's course
XXVl Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (KPSS)
Save natural gas!
Do not give empty promises!
We are a sportive family - father, mother, brother and I
(I) Will become a Sheep Breeder! 1979
October 1917
The Union, born by the October 1917. 1987
Here we will live, work and study 1977
Dear guys! Young friends!
Save water!
How (well) did you do your job today? 1983
Huge and beautiful country we have comrads
The unity of the party and the people - Unbreakable
Your workplace - is a front line of the fight for the peace
Our children will get that, what we will be able to save and conserve.
Be worthy!
The sun of the new harvest
To the new labor victories
To the 10th Five year plan - shock labor! 1976
Every day - udarny (superproductive).
The welfare of the people - is the main goal of the Party! 1981
To you, Motherland, our inspired labor!
The victory of October - is the main event of the 20th century.
Cosmos will serve people. Gagarin. 1971
Through the worlds and centuries 1985
Human thought for world progress
Apollo-Soyuz project 1975
Quality is the warranty of progress! 1980s
In the unity of the production and science - the power and the future of the country!
Create. Invent. Attempt!
The atom to work for peace, for Communism.
Gagarin. Orbiting Earth... 1975
Strengthen the union of the sickle and hammer! 1976
Give the Mainline of the century! 1975
Five year plan - earlier than scheduled!
I am a son of the Soviet country! 1980
Become an Udarnik of Communist labor
The Red Book protects the nature. 1988
Sun, Air and Water are our best friends
Moscow 1980. Olympic games.
Welcome! Moscow olympiad 1980
People plant bread on the ground - the earth raises people!
Communists are the standard bearers of peace
Studying communism, building communism!
The teaching of Marx is all-powerful because it is true! 1979
International Children's protection day
Do not lose!
(We) Will pave the way to the future!
Sport is an ambassador of peace.
Bread - to the Motherland! 1978
We - (are) the young working class!
By shock labor (we will) welcome the 26th Congress of the KPSS
Disarmament is the ideal of socialism. Ulyanov Lenin
The party is the mind, honor and conscience of our epoch! 1976
Soviet power is a million times more democratic than the most democratic bourgeois republic.
Lenin - a thinker
Peace is our ideal
To the bright future of communist society, universal prosperity and enduring peace.
Our task is to protect firmness, steadfastness, purity of our party. V.I. Lenin
V.I. Lenin 1870 - 1970
Lenin, October, Peace. 1917 - 1987.
Lenin is still more alive than all those living KPSS
Long live Marxism-Leninism! 1980
Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin (will stay) alive! 1967
Time is working for peace. For communism.
Develop virgin lands!
Long live PEACE!
To the participants of the festival - Hi!
Nations of all the world!
(Get) Higher the flag of the proletarian internationalism!
CCCP Long live the all-victorious flag of Leninism! 1957
People and party - united! 1957
Glory to Soviet Country! 1917 1953
Under the leadership of the great Stalin - forward to Communism!
(You) will be a master!
If to work good, bread will grow 1947
Glory to Stalin - to the great architect of communism! 1951
New five-year plan - the five year plan of the Great construction
Young builders of Communism! 1949
Let's raise the generation utterly devoted to the cause of communism! 1947
(Will) rebuild! 1947
Glory to the Russian people - the bogatyr people, the creator people! 1947
Glory to the mighty aviation of the country of the Socialism! 1939
Stalin and Klement Voroshilov 1935
January 1st, 1939. Happy New Year!
Work, build and do not whine!, 1933
Long live Stalin's constitution! 1937
The Soviet woman
Stalin in the Kremlin cares about each one of us!
Shock woman-workers, strengthen shock-brigades ! 1931
Invent! Make way for the workers mother wit!
Stalinists! Wider the front of the Stakhanovite movement. 1934.
Who is glorious and famous in the country of Socialism
Each kolkhoznik, every brigade...
Shock harvesting to a Bolshevik crop. 1934
The communist party and Lenin are the twin brothers. 1940
Long live the Union of the workers and peasants - the basis of the Soviet power
Subway Komsomol members
The Dneprostroy has been built. 1932
Let's make stronger industrial power of Soviet Union ! 1932
Let's take by charge the last - fourth year of five-year plan ! 1931
The train goes from the Socialism Station to the Communism Station. 1939.
The captain of the country of Soviets, leads us from victory to victory! 1933
Red Army is a reliable guard of the Soviet country. 1930
GPU strikes a counterrevolutionary pest. 1930.
The stake of the interventionists is overbid!
(We will) Destroy kulak as a class
Soviet propaganda poster
Steelcast the strike detachments, into the through strike brigades
All (come) to review!
By all means, at any cost (we will) eliminate the gap.
Building Socialism 1927
Liberated woman - build up socialism! 1926
(We will) Fulfil (complete) the plan of the great jobs. 1930
Not one hectare of not sown land!
Comrade come to our kolkhoz! 1930
Against kulak's howl - by a concerted, collective front to sow! 1928
Peasant woman, strengthen the union of workers and peasants.
Leningrad society of linkage of the city with a village.
Out of NEP Russia there will be a socialist Russia
21st december 1947
10 years (anniversary) of the october (revolution)
Long live the 5th anniversary of the Great October Proletarian Revolution!
Long live KOMSOMOL 1924
HELP 1921
Think about those who are starving 1921
The victory of the Revolution is in cooperation of workers and peasants.
(I) Believe (we) will celebrate the hundredth anniversary, 1920
Citizens, save the historical monuments
Long live the genius of the world-wide marvels - mighty creative labor.
1st of May. All-Russian subbotnik.
By a powerful strike of labor, we will destroy the shackles of devastation.
Bread spider
(That) What Bolshevism brings to nation
Happy worker in Sovdepia
Every hit of the hammer - is a hit on the enemy! 1920
Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel
The enemy wants to take Moscow over...
(We) Will not give up Petrograd. 1919
Staunchly (by chest) for the defense of Petrograd! 1919
For the United Russia
Sign up for the loan of Freedom.
Illiterate is the same as blind
A day of the Soviet Propaganda.
1st of May 1920
Red Moscow 1921
Long live communist International!
Welcome Comrades!
(Get) Off the road
Damnation and death to the hired assassins!
The deserter's nightmare.
The lord of the world - Capital, golden idol. 1919
Corpses of the Paris commune, revive under the Red Flag of Soviets!
To work (we) have to, rifle is near. 1920.
To the polish front
Тhe League of Nations
R.S.F.S.R. Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Enemy at the gates!
lllrd International
The League of Nations. 1920
This will not happen!
A pig, trained in Paris.
1st of May is a holiday of labor. 1920
Soviet Russia. All to defense!
October 1917 October 1920
Priests help capital(ism) and disturb worker. Get out of the way!
To the nations of the Caucasus
Have you signed up as a volunteer? 1920
Soviet repka (Russian folk fairy tale Turnip).
Death to worlds imperialism 1919
With red wedge fight whites. 1920
Long live the sun, let the darkness disappear.
1st of May. 1919
Onto a horse, proletarian!
A day of a wounded Red Army man.
A year (1st anniversary) to the dictatorship of the proletariat. 1918
Antanta. Under the mask of piece.
The Spider and the Flies.
October revolution - a bridge to a bright future!
Death to capital(ism), or death under the heel of Capital(ism)! 1919
Peace to Nations!
Izvestia. Decree on Peace. Lenin.
To us the most important is saving the peace. Lenin.
Great Lenin illuminated our path!
Heart of Lenin.
1917 Lenin 1973
1870 - 1980 Lenin
The Decree on Peace.
The most humane human. Lenin.
Glory to the heroes - partisans, destroyers of the fascists' homefront! 1941
Greetings to the fighters against fascism. 1937
Fascism - is starvation! Fascism - is terror! Fascism - is war!
I am waiting for you, soldier - the liberator!
Under the flag of Lenin - Forward for the Motherland, for our victory! 1944
You brought back to us (our) life! 1943
More metal - more weapons!
Nikita Sergeyevich Kruschev
Field works can not wait! 1954
Long live to PEACE!
Vote for the further prosperity of our towns and villages! 1957
Power to Soviets. Lenin.
Bread - to the Motherland! 1962
Will raise everyone!
Corn - a source of plenty 1960
Soberness - is a rule of life 1986
You too will be a hero! 1950
Lenin 1985
Do not blab! 1941
Palm branch Washington style
To save the future!..
We (vote) for peace, for friendship
Where should we play?
USOSU Way to peace - constructive dialog
Fred mir peace paix
Mir peace