The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
No (need for a) war! 1962
Cuban and Russian unbreakable friendship and cooperation. 1963
Women's International Congress. Moscow 1963
Glory to the first cosmonaut U.A.Gagarin! 1961
I will never forget a friend 1964
Human to human 1962
Get to work, comrades! 1962
Heroic acts are waiting for the brave! 1964
Nations of all the world!
(Get) Higher the flag of the proletarian internationalism!
CCCP Long live the all-victorious flag of Leninism! 1957
Nikita Sergeyevich Kruschev
Field works can not wait! 1954
Long live to PEACE!
Vote for the further prosperity of our towns and villages! 1957
Power to Soviets. Lenin.
Bread - to the Motherland! 1962
Will raise everyone!
Corn - a source of plenty 1960