The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
Glory to the heroes of World War II! 1941
Proud of son! 1941
On the land and above...
Five-Year plan in four years - (we) will complete! 1948
Comrades Lumberjacks! 1948
New five-year plan - the five year plan of the Great construction
Young builders of Communism! 1949
Let's raise the generation utterly devoted to the cause of communism! 1947
(Will) rebuild! 1947
Glory to the Russian people - the bogatyr people, the creator people! 1947
Stalin in the Kremlin cares about each one of us!
The communist party and Lenin are the twin brothers. 1940
21st december 1947
Glory to the heroes - partisans, destroyers of the fascists' homefront! 1941
Fascism - is starvation! Fascism - is terror! Fascism - is war!
I am waiting for you, soldier - the liberator!
Under the flag of Lenin - Forward for the Motherland, for our victory! 1944
You brought back to us (our) life! 1943
More metal - more weapons!
Do not blab! 1941