The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
A fight for the harvest 1930
Ad poster of tooth powder 'Hygiene'. 1936.
Be ready for labor and defense! 1934
All-union spartakiada of students 1935
Soviet athletes - are the pride of our country. 1935
All world records must be ours! 1935
Did you take care of the breast? 1930
White Guardsmen 1930
Let's kick out kulaks from kolhoz. Вышибем кулаков из колхозов. 1930
Arithmetic of counter promfinplan. 2+2=5. Арифметика промфинплана плюс энтузиазм рабочих. 1931
(let's) Hit! Долбанем!
Get rid of scamps of the distaff side! Долой безобразников по женской линии! Парней-жеребцов зажмем в дисциплине! 1930
Merciless fighting with the thieves of communal property! Беспощадная борьба с расхитителями общественной собственности! 1932
(we) Hit false udarniks (workers) 1931
CCCP. Sport - is health, will and courage! 1957
Women in kolhoz (collective farms) - is a big power 1933
Will complete fully and on time the schedule of the grain (bread) reserves. 1930.
Watchfully protect socialist harvest. 1936
Women in collective farms kolhoz 1935
Komsomol members to the udarnik sowing
Collective farmers and individual farmers 1933
Farmhands and Komsomol members - onto a tractor! 1931
"Crumpet" movie (film) poster, directed by M. Romm 1935
"Jolly Fellows" with Lubov Orlova movie (film) poster, directed by Aleksandrov
"Alexander Nevsky" movie poster, directed by S. Eisenstein. 1938.
"Chapaev" movie poster, directed by Vasilyev brothers
Moscow Theatre Festival (French language) 1934
Attraction flying torpedo. State Circus. 1936
Woman (get) onto a (steam) locomotive! 1939
We (vote) for renovation of the Soviet transport
By the Socialist attitude to a locomotive 1931
Napping at work. 1930.
Long Live our Happy Socialist Motherland 1935
USSR - the country's largest...1938
Comrade believe ...
The trade unions of the USSR...
Keep Higher the Banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! 1936
There metro!
All Moscow is Building Metro (subway) 1934
Komsomol Fulfill Demands of Comrade Voroshilov
Working men and women of all countries, higher the Lenin's banner! 1932
For the Proletarian Park of Culture and Leisure. 1932
Under a Flag of Lenin 1931
Labor union to strive for 10 mln. tonn of cast iron in 1932.
Moscow says...
Exhibition of works of Vladimir Mayakovsky 1931
Hit! at the enemy of a cultural revolution. 1930