The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
From the union of working people, we will expel drinkers! Из рабочей гущи, выгоним пьющих. 1929
Down with drunkards! Долой пьяниц, заявим громко! 1929
Merciless fighting with the thieves of communal property! Беспощадная борьба с расхитителями общественной собственности! 1932
Kick out healers! They do not cure, but despoil and cripple! Вон знахарей! Они не лечат, лишь обирают и калечат! 1959
Cinema - to masses! Кино - в массы! 1946
Do not drink away life! Не пропивай жизнь! 1977
Rainbow flag pencil is splitting a bomb Радужный флаг-карандаш раскалывает бомбу.
Fight hooliganism! Боритесь с хулиганством! 1956
(we will) Eradicate this evil! Искореним это зло! 1959
Hooligan - to justice! Хулигана к ответу! 1958
He learned one skill. Он постиг одну науку, как вернее взятку брать. Надо дать ему не "в руку" - "по рукам" покрепче дать. 1956
Get the spongers out from warm places! Вон дармоедов с тепленьких мест. Кто не работает, тот не ест! 1961
From the workers team we will kick drunks out. Из рабочей гущи выгоним пьющих! 1966
Leash must be strong! Привязь должна быть прочной! 1974
CCCP. Sport - is health, will and courage! 1957
Two kids better than one! 1968
Peace to the children of the whole planet.
1 Ruble. Here is our profit! 1965
Value every minute at work! 1964
Culturally selling - is a respectable job! 1949
(we) Will serve culturally each (and every) visitor! 1948
At labor time (some people) plowing at night! 1947
Breed rabbits! 1957
(lets) Develop (the) blue virgin lands! 1964
Komsomol members to the udarnik sowing
"Nostalgy" movie (film) poster, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky
A Few Days from the Life of I. I. Oblomov. 1979.
"Forgotten Melody for a Flute" movie (film) poster, directed by Eldar Ryazanov
Poster for the movie "To Kill a Dragon" directed by Mark Zakharov 1988
"Beware of the Car" movie (film) poster, directed by Eldar Ryazanov 1966
Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession. Movie (film) poster, directed by Leonid Gaidai. 1973
"The Dawns Here Are Quiet" movie (film) poster. 1980
"Subject" movie (film) poster, directed by G. Panfilov
Nine Days in One Year 1962
'White Sun of the Desert' movie (film) poster. 1970.
"Come Here, Mukhtar!" movie (film) poster, directed by S. Tumanov
"Andrei Rublev" movie (film) poster, directed by A. Tarkovsky
'We'll Live Till Monday' movie (film) poster, directed by S. Rostovskiy 1968
"Welcome, or No Trespassing" movie (film) poster, directed by E. Klimov
'Ballad of a Soldier' movie (film) poster, directed by G. Chukhray 1961
Hamlet - movie (film) poster, directed by G. Kozintsev 1964
"The Cranes Are Flying" movie (film) poster, directed by M. Kalatozov 1957
Movie (film) Poster "Girls". 1962
"The idiot" movie (film) poster, directed by I. Pyryev 1958
"Rumyantsev Case" movie (film) poster, directed by I. Kheifits
"Crumpet" movie (film) poster, directed by M. Romm 1935
"Jolly Fellows" with Lubov Orlova movie (film) poster, directed by Aleksandrov
"Kuban Cossacks" movie poster, directed by I. Pyryev