The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.
Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.
Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!
Great and useful gift for Christmas!
Instead of scolding and hitting the kids, it's better to buy them a book. 1928
To our construction site, friends! 1956
Books are the source of knowledge 1919
Pravda 1940
Collaboration helps people to become brothers 1919
All the Illiteral people should go to school 1921
Everybody to the book bazaar 1929
Everybody to the fight with the illiteracy!
Return a book 1926
A fight for the harvest 1930
For a bookshelf 1929
For a book, against vodka 1928
How to fight cholera 1920
Calendar of the Patriotic War. 1915.
1st nationwide book lottery 1929
Book is not a pocket 1926
Book is not a kitchen utensil. 1926
Book will everywhere come useful. 1928.
Society of consumers 1927
Let's kick out kulaks from kolhoz. Вышибем кулаков из колхозов. 1930
Arithmetic of counter promfinplan. 2+2=5. Арифметика промфинплана плюс энтузиазм рабочих. 1931
Get rid of scamps of the distaff side! Долой безобразников по женской линии! Парней-жеребцов зажмем в дисциплине! 1930
Shame on those, who get their salary at black cash-desks! Позор получающим зарплату в черной кассе! 1929
(we) Hit false udarniks (workers) 1931
(we) Will get a rich harvest from a virgin land! 1954
Will complete fully and on time the schedule of the grain (bread) reserves. 1930.
Watchfully protect socialist harvest. 1936
Women in collective farms kolhoz 1935
Collective farmers and individual farmers 1933
Farmhands and Komsomol members - onto a tractor! 1931
Woman (get) onto a (steam) locomotive! 1939
We (vote) for renovation of the Soviet transport
By the Socialist attitude to a locomotive 1931
Napping at work. 1930.
The development of transport 1929
USSR - the country's largest...1938
Comrade believe ...
The trade unions of the USSR...
Keep Higher the Banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! 1936
There metro!
All Moscow is Building Metro (subway) 1934
Komsomol Fulfill Demands of Comrade Voroshilov
Working men and women of all countries, higher the Lenin's banner! 1932
For the Proletarian Park of Culture and Leisure. 1932
Labor union to strive for 10 mln. tonn of cast iron in 1932.
Moscow says...
Let's give 1929