The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.

Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.

Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!

Great and useful gift for Christmas!

Work, build and do not whine!, 1933


Artist: Alexander Alexandrovich Deineka

Word to word translation:
To work, to build and not to whine!
To us to the new life the path is pointed.
An athlete may you not be,
But (to be) physical culture(r) - (you are obliged).

Работать, строить и не ныть!
Нам к новой жизни путь указан.
Атлетом можешь ты не быть,
Но физкультурником - обязан.

Художник: Александр Дейнека.
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