The best winter hats in the world - Ushanka.

Time-tested over decades of use by the hardy Russians to withstand their harsh winters.

Made in Russia from the highest quality locally manufactured materials only!

Great and useful gift for Christmas!

Tass window, Leningrad, January 1943


Poem by A. Flit

Our great nation is united -
The rear keeps up with the frontline ;
It is building one tank after another,
And it is sending a shell after a shell,
For the front line, the rear - is a full brother,
And the rear forges the victory as does the front line!

Artist: V. Selivanov

Един великий наш народ -
От фронта тыл не отстаёт;
За танком танк он строит следом,
И за снарядом шлёт снаряд,
Для фронта тыл - родимый брат,
И тыл, как фронт кует победу!

Стихи А. Флита, Художник В. Селиванов.
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