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Free Luis Corvalan!


Luis Alberto Corvalan Lepe (born September 14, 1916 in Puerto Montt, Chile) is a former Secretary-General of the Communist Party of Chile (PCC) and Chilean politician.
Corvalan joined the Communist Party of Chile (PCC) at the age of fifteen in the city of Chillan shortly after the fall of the repressive dictatorship of Carlos Ibanez del Campo in 1932.
On September 11, 1973, General Augusto Pinochet lead a military Coup and Corvalan was among the many arrested. After the murder of Victor Jara, he was the most prominent political prisoner in Chile. While in prison, Luis Corvalan was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize (for 1973-74). The Soviet Union launched an international campaign for his release. December 18, 1976 Corvalan was exchanged for a notable Soviet political prisoner dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, and received asylum in the USSR.
Corvalan headed the Communist Party of Chile - both within Chile and whilst in exile - for over three decades, which covered the whole period of the Pinochet military dictatorship. After the end of Pinochet's dictatorship, Corvalan returned to Chile....learn more

7 july 2007, Luis Corvalan
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